the art of leadership: use power consciously and keep it under controll
Do you sometimes doubt your abilities as a manager and wonder whether you are right in your position? Do you feel like you are not being taken seriously and are you constantly asking yourself whether you are up to the demands of the role? Do you doubt your decisions and question them again and again? Do you think you have to master everything alone and prove that you can do it? You know that you need to give your employees more responsibility, but you have no idea how?
I am an expert for managers and I will show you where your personal strengths are. Through a scientifically based analysis, we determine your specific potential. When you work with me, you will understand what leadership skills you have and how you can use them specifically and to the advantage of your team. This way you can make a profit for your company at the same time.
And no – you definitely don’t have to become a ruthless person to do this.
Let’s expand your horizon!
In systemic coaching, I assist people in management and/or leadership positions through personal development.
Potential additional topics:
- preparation for and support of new tasks, roles and positions,
- career development and questions regarding your career path,
- work-life balance,
- self-management,
- stress reduction and burn-out prevention.
Women in leadership positions are particulary close to my heart.
Would you like to explore the complex and powerful potential of a female leader and at the same time conserving enough energy for yourself? I look forward to working with you on this.
As a DNLA-consultant I also use scientific proven tools to analyze and develope your potentials. We build up your leadership strenght on the potentials you already have.
Is there a topic missing in the list? You have questions?
Do not hesitate to contact me!
Only three things happen naturally in organisations:
friction, confusion and underperformance. Everything else requieres leadership.
-Peter Drucker-
Analyze your strengths now
With the free DNLA – Discovering Natural Latent Abilities – test, a person’s naturally existing potential can be identified and further developed.